MICA 2023 looks good

The 23rd edition of the African International Film and Audiovisual Market (MICA), which will be held from 26 February to 3 March, is promising. For MICA Coordinator Marc Placide SANOU, many actors have made the trip to Ouagadougou. The theme of this year’s edition is: “The market of films from Africa and abroad: what opportunities for filmmakers?”


Marc Placide Sanou (MPS): MICA is a digital space for film buyers, broadcasters and producers. Since 2021, with the new artistic project of the General Delegate of FESPACO, Alex Moussa Sawadogo, MICA has become a component of FESPACO Pro
bringing together the economic and professional aspects of the film and audiovisual industry.

FPI: What are the activities of MICA?

MPS: MICA is a hub for several activities. We have exhibitions of various production, distribution, broadcasting companies as well as streaming platforms. There are also
Business to Business sessions, master classes.

FPI: What are your expectations for this 21st edition of MICA?

MPS: Our expectations are quite well met. When we look back, on 15 September 2022 when we launched the call for registration for MICA, we were not expecting such
attendance from participants. We even thought that the various actors would be reluctant, but to our great surprise, the platform is now full. All 98 stands are booked.

FPI: How is the film sold in the market?

MPS: Broadcasters and programme buyers meet and do business. All stakeholders of the film industry are well served. This year the peculiarity of MICA is that there are
producers who have developed projects to find co-producers to better sell their films.

FPI: What are the prospects forthe next edition of MICA?

MPS: With the permission of copyright holders, we want to avail films registered for MICA online to allow those who are unable to come to Ouagadougou screen the films.
This can be a source of revenue for MICA and even for copyright holders.