+226 25 30 83 70 office@fespaco.bf


YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION is an initiative by FESPACO to provides support for post-production of African films.

It targets directors, male and female, in their first or second feature film project (fiction or documentary) in the finishing phase.

The purposes of YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION are to:

  • Provide concrete assistance for the completion of African films
  • Offer producers and directors an opportunity to present their films in production phase to professionals and international distributors to facilitate post-production
  • promote co-production partnerships and access to the international market (distribution, sale, etc.)

During the first edition, eight (8) projects by directors from seven (7) countries received coaching sessions by film professionals. For the 2023 edition, eight (8) new projects will be given a chance to present their work to an audience of producers, distributors, programmers, platform operators, etc. from all over the world.




  • Workshops
  • Four (4) days of workshops and master classes on editing, calibration, musical composition, special effects, distribution, and more.
  • Networking sessions, meetings that give the opportunity to directors and producers to interact with the professionals present.
  • A tailored coaching through individual or collective consultations. Depending on their needs, post-production film projects will receive editing consultation, advice and guidance on film dressing and finishing, and on international distribution as well.
  • Screenings
  • Screening sessions of extracts from the selected films will be organized, after which some time is allocated for the presentation of projects by promotors before a jury (pitching session).

Only accredited professionals will have access to the screenings: producers, distributors, operators, buyers, festival programmers, institutional representatives and other people invited in advance by the Festival Management.


The second edition of YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Workshop will take place from 26 February to 02 March 2023 alongside the 28th Edition of FESPACO in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.


The jury will consist film professionals with well-established experience and skills. It shall be sovereign in its decisions.


 Film eligibility criteria

  • Films must be in finishing phase and made by directors with African nationality.
  • Only fiction or documentary feature films (minimum length of 60mn) will be considered.
  • Directors with projects must be at their first/second feature film project (fiction or documentary).
  • Only one project will be allowed by director.
  • A maximum of two projects will be allowed by producer.


  • If the film is not in French or English, the copy to be submitted must be sub-titled in one of these languages.

Subsequent submission

  • Each film project can only participate in one edition of the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION workshop.

Submission to other sections of the Festival

Any film submitted to the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION workshop cannot be accepted in another official sections of the Festival in the same edition. However, the film may be submitted to official sections of the Festival the following edition.


 Registration period

19 July to 30 September 2022

Submission material

To be considered for selection, applicants must:

  • Fill the form online via the following link: https://form.jotform.com/221722178631554 , provide the information requested and upload the requested documents and materials to the platform;
  • Provide a link to a rough cut or selected scenes of the film (minimum 45mn) with French or English sub-titles; and
  • Indicate the total budget of the film specifying the amount to be raised to complete the film.

Return of films sent

The Festival doesn’t have to return the films submitted for selection.



A selection committee chaired by the Festival Manager shall be responsible for selecting the films. The committee’s decisions are final and irrevocable.

The selection committee shall reserve the right to select or not any post-production film or project submitted.

The results of the selection will be announced via official channels (web site, Email, etc.)


  • Cover the participation costs for only one member of a team with a selected project (director or producer);
  • Cover the costs for transport, accommodation and catering for participants during their stay in Ouagadougou; and
  • Assist to the best each of the films through targeted and customized support.


Selected films will receive a commitment form to be completed and returned to the Management of FESPACO. Receipt by the Festival of the completed and signed form implies legal acceptance to be present and available all through the programme and its activities. This acceptance is considered final and binding.

The invitation of the film to attend the workshop must remain fully confidential until official announcement of the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION programme.

Copies and material

Representatives of invited films must send before 30 December 2022 all the information requested and the material necessary for the preparation of the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION brochure and for the organization of consultations and screenings:

  • Synopsis
  • Director’s note of intent
  • Producer’s note of intent
  • Detailed technical sheet
  • Director’s bio-filmography
  • Producer’s bio-filmography
  • Pictures and visuals of film
  • Name and address of production company
  • Director’s and producer’s cover letter, specifying the film post-production needs and expectations
  • Screening copies and links


YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION winning films will receive a number of prizes in kind and cash (post-production grant) to finalize their projects. A film can receive many prizes.


Awarded films must make mention of their participation in the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Workshop in any communication and promotional material, and use the official logo of the workshop with the mention “This film received support from FESPACO/YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION” in the film’s opening and closing credits.

Films selected for the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Workshop and not awarded must include the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION logo in their credits with the mention “The film participated in the FESPACO/YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Workshop”.

YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION does not demand exclusivity for the distribution of the final version of any film it supports, but wishes to obtain the film Sub-Saharan premiere at an edition of FESPACO.


Participation in the YENNENGA POST-PRODUCTION Workshop implies unconditional adherence to this Regulation.

Producers, distributors or anyone submitting a film must ensure they have legal authority to do so.

The Festival Management shall reserve the right to settle any case not covered by this Regulation and to derogate from it in specific and justified circumstances.

In the event of a dispute over the interpretation of this Regulation, the original French version shall prevail.